Our appeal against Mr Volontè's motion "Combating eugenics and
discrimination against people with disabilities" has been signed by 90
members of all political groups of the Assembly :
SOC 62
The Bureau of the Assembly at its meeting, Friday 5 October, has
decided to give no further action to this motion.
Beslutet tog i fredags i den parlamentariska församlingen, efter att S-gruppen i Europarådet tagit till en unik åtgärd för att stoppa en motion som bla hade lagts fram av riksdagsledamöter från M och Kd, Sverige. Du ser av redovisningen att vi fick stöd utanför vår grupp och ser hela vår text nedan.
I give some S-comments :
“Combating eugenics and discrimination against people
with disabilities (Motion for a Resolution 12996) – No to a disguised attempt
to jeopardise women’s rights”
The undersigned members of the Parliamentary Assembly,
having taken note of the draft resolution tabled by Mr Luca Volonte “Combating
eugenics and discrimination against people with disabilities” urgently request
the Bureau of the Assembly not to send this text to one or other of its
While the title of the resolution may seem
promising, the text itself throws up major problems.
For the concern here is not to combat eugenics
– which is a policy to encourage the development of a society of individuals
who possess the same characteristics - but rather to prevent women from freely
deciding to carry a pregnancy to term or to terminate it.
Nor is the resolution aimed at combating
discrimination against people with disabilities, something which the
Parliamentary Assembly has already undertaken to do on numerous occasions. The objective, rather, is to deprive women of
the possibility of obtaining any information relating to diagnosis and prenatal
What we have, therefore, is a fundamental infringement
of women’s freedom to make a conscious, responsible choice.
Our Assembly
must not allow women’s rights to be jeopardised in this way.
A titele which might not be of any consequence and which might lead to universal approval if the text which follows did not have other objectives.
We reaffirm our absolute respect for the "right to life" as the very basis of the integrity of the human person.
We are against "eugenics" which, in terms of protection of the human species, would lead to defending the ideology of "racial purity" of the "perfect Child".
So is a foetus "human life"? is the long-running debate or the "status of the foetus "to be revived here? Science and the law, beyond individual philosophical or religious convictions, agree that the foetsu is not "visabele" ands so does not constitute "human live" until it is several weeds or even several months old
What about foetal disability? If medically proven, it may give rise to a "therapeutic abortion, notably in cases of Down syndrome. This is an established right. To condemn such acts, inte this specific, extreme case, obviously implies that abortion is to be condemned in all other circumstances as well.
Accordingly it is the establiched right, one enjoyed by women and families in most European states, that is being targeted.
Consequently, we are against this text and this insidious request whish, once again, reopens the debate on this subject, one that is always sensitive in relations to personal philiosophical or religious viwes.
But when the Council Europe has repeatedly made its principles and its position clear, It upholds and affirms universal human rights and the universal rights of individuals in all their diversity
A titele which might not be of any consequence and which might lead to universal approval if the text which follows did not have other objectives.
We reaffirm our absolute respect for the "right to life" as the very basis of the integrity of the human person.
We are against "eugenics" which, in terms of protection of the human species, would lead to defending the ideology of "racial purity" of the "perfect Child".
So is a foetus "human life"? is the long-running debate or the "status of the foetus "to be revived here? Science and the law, beyond individual philosophical or religious convictions, agree that the foetsu is not "visabele" ands so does not constitute "human live" until it is several weeds or even several months old
What about foetal disability? If medically proven, it may give rise to a "therapeutic abortion, notably in cases of Down syndrome. This is an established right. To condemn such acts, inte this specific, extreme case, obviously implies that abortion is to be condemned in all other circumstances as well.
Accordingly it is the establiched right, one enjoyed by women and families in most European states, that is being targeted.
Consequently, we are against this text and this insidious request whish, once again, reopens the debate on this subject, one that is always sensitive in relations to personal philiosophical or religious viwes.
But when the Council Europe has repeatedly made its principles and its position clear, It upholds and affirms universal human rights and the universal rights of individuals in all their diversity