Promises – Measuring Results
We the
representatives of our people from all the regions of the world gather in Istanbul , Turkey ,
from 24-25 May 2012, to set a course of continued action in the coming years
for the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International
Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) by 2014 and beyond.
This meeting
takes place at a key moment as we engage in national, regional and global
reviews of the implementation of the Programme of Action. We will also have the
opportunity to influence the definition of a new international development
framework to follow the Millennium Development Goals in 2015 through on-going
national consultations. We must mobilize our constituents, parties and
governments to ensure that the vision, principles, objectives and goals of the
ICPD Programme of Action are advanced through these two key processes,
emphasizing that the new development agenda supports human rights, equity,
equal opportunity, and democratic principles.
We note that
while some progress has been made by our countries towards the achievement of
the goals of the International Conference on Population and Development,
challenges remain to put concrete measures in place to fully implement the
agenda. This calls for, amongst others,
systematically integrating population dynamics in national and international
development strategies and policies, addressing ageing and lowering fertility,
climate change, natural disasters, conflict and displacement, reversing the HIV
pandemic and comprehensively addressing international migration i the context
of the ICPD.
Towards this
end, we reaffirm our commitment to the ICPD Programme of Action, recognizing
that its implementation is essential for
countries to reduce poverty, and social and economic inequality, improve the lives of all their
peoples, safeguard the health and rights of women, men, girls and boys,
including sexual and reproductive health and rights, promote gender equality and women’s health,
create conditions in which all can live in dignity, protect the environment and
ensure sustainable development. We further reaffirm the commitments made at the
previous IPCIs and stress our commitment to act with a sense of urgency.
We Parliamentarians,
consistent with the principles of the ICPD, are determined to play our roles
We will advocate for the allocation of increased funding for the
entire implementation of the ICPD agenda from national budgets, external donors
and other sources, including the private sector, both local and multinational,
especially to fulfil sexual and reproductive rights and to achieve access to
sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning, information
and comprehensive sexuality education for youth and maternal health coverage.
1. Work with the Governments involved in the Family Planning Summit
and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as well as the United Nations Population
Fund, UNFPA, to ensure that no new funding mechanisms are created for the
resources to be made available for the family planning initiative in order to
ensure scaling up of activities in commodity security, including influencing
market mechanisms, social mobilization and strengthening health systems.
2. Engage both our executive bodies and donors to ensure resources
for the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action, and ensuring that
funding is channelled in a coherent, coordinated, and transparent manner.
3. Strengthen our national,
regional and global parliamentary networks and engage leaders of G8 and G20
countries to include in their agenda a review of the implementation of the
commitments to women and children’s health at the G8 Summit in Muskoka , Canada
in 2010.
4. Hold parliamentary hearings to assess the contributions of our
Governments with a view to ensuring compliance with international
5. Include in the agenda of our parliaments an annual debate on
trends and other factors related to and impacting funding for sexual and
reproductive health and rights, including family planning. Furthermore, request
reports, as part of the annual budget process, on measures to eliminate
distortions in allocation of resources to various components of the ICPD agenda
and ensure equity in the allocation of resources through the budget process and
advocate for such outcomes in parliamentary debates.
6. Strive to attain at least
10 per cent of national development budgets and development assistance budgets
for population and reproductive health programmes including HIV and AIDS
prevention and especially, family planning and reproductive health commodities,
and further ensure the target of 0.7 per cent of GNP for official development assistance
is met.
II. Strengthening Parliamentary Oversight in the Implementation of the
ICPD agenda
We commit to pass appropriate legislation, review existing
legislation and mobilize strong support for laws consistent with the ICPD
agenda as well as to monitor implementation and hold governments accountable,
so that, such laws lead to sustainable development.
We will:
1. Request relevant government bodies and civil society partners to
map the areas of the ICPD that require legislative focus and hold hearings to
identify the needs and interests of our communities in order to promote
appropriate legislation.
2. Involve all relevant partners, especially civil society organizations, women, and youth, in the drafting of legislation on ICPD issues to ensure such laws reflect the broad spectrum of development needs of our peoples.
3. Hold hearings on the sexual and
reproductive health and rights, including family planning, indicators,
including coverage of services for various population groups, especially youth
and vulnerable groups. Indicators should
aim to assess the coverage of the range of services in the Programme of Action
and the methods of data collection, including disaggregated data according
(Som ledamot i den kommitte som förhandlade fram texten är jag nöjd och välkomande att texten kunde antas i enighet. Jag tackar för gott samarbete och stöd från inte minst svenska och nordiska kolleger. Texten står i kontrast till det hårt kritiserade tal Premiärminster Erdogan höll till oss strax efteråt.)