Min motion blir en rapport som skrivs av Mrs Christine McCafferty, United Kingdom, SOC, med andra ord så har jag redan fått en dubbel framgång med min motion. Nästa steg blir en dragning av utkast till text i The Committee.
Women’s access to lawful medical care: the problem ofunregulated use of conscientious objection1. The practice of conscientious objection arises in the field of health care, when individual healthcare providers or institutions refuse to provide certain health services based on religious, moral orphilosophical objections. While recognising the right of an individual to conscientiously object toperforming a certain medical procedure, the Parliamentary Assembly is deeply concerned about theincreasing and largely unregulated occurrence of this practice, especially in the field of reproductivehealth care.2. The Parliamentary Assembly emphasizes the need to balance the right of conscientiousobjection with the responsibility of the profession and the right of each patient to receive lawfultreatment and expresses its concern about the severe consequences that the occurrence of thispractice has on women’s access to lawful health care services.3. In the majority of the Member States of the Council of Europe the practice of conscientiousobjection is largely unregulated. The absence of a comprehensive and effective legal and policyframework governing the practice of conscientious objection by health-care providers has severelyaffected women’s health and lives in a number of Council of Europe Member States, and isdisproportionately affecting poor women and women from rural areas.4. In view of the Council of Europe's member states obligation to ensure access to health careservices provided by law, the Assembly invites member states to:4.1. develop comprehensive guidelines that define and regulate conscientious objection, withregard to health and medical services;4.2. provide oversight and monitoring of the practice of conscientious objection so as to ensurewomen are able to access the medical services they need and are legally entitled to receive and toguarantee the effective implementation and enforcement of these regulations within Member Statesrespective health services;4.3. urge those Member States who have not yet done so to establish an oversight framework toensure that women are referred to equivalent practitioners in a timely manner who do not share suchobjections and who are within reasonable distance in case the chosen health care provider refuses toperform certain reproductive health services based on conscientious objection;4.4. rule out the right of institutional conscientious objection, preventing public hospitals or clinicsas a whole to invoke conscientious objection.
Signed 1:HÄGG Carina, Sweden, SOC